Taut bands are palpable and can be visualized by ultrasound and MRI. Many contracted sarcomeres and muscle fibres cause the taut band.

This in turn causes persistent sarcomere contractions. trauma, RSI) can cause ruptures of the sarcoplasmatic reticulum which leads to an uncontroled release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmatic reticulum. The goals of successful trigger point therapy are releasing local sarcomere contractions, increasing local blood flow as well as inhibiting local inflammatory processes. The more precisely trigger points are treated the better the results achieved. There is a worldwide consensus among specialists that the combination of manual trigger point therapy and dry needling are the most effective approaches in the treatment of trigger points. The Foundations of Trigger Point Therapy Today Travell and Simons can be considered as true medical pioneers.

David Simons, Travell published the groundbreaking Trigger Point Manuals which are now in their second edition and have been translated into 12 different languages. The terms MPS, myofascial trigger point, taut band, local twitch response and their definitions were first published in the fifties by Dr.

Up to 85% of patients with chronic pain have an underlying MPS. The myofascial pain syndrome, MPS is one of the most common overlooked diagnoses in chronic pain.